
95 New Artistic Google Chrome Themes

At first, when Google Chrome added themes there was none that grabbed my interest, I tried them, but got back to default. Today, Official Google Blog shared the news that they added Artistic Google Chrome Themes. I went there and counted and it was 95 of them, I bet there is enough for each personality.

 My pick was The Porsche:

Another theme I was impressed was the art of Yulia Brodskaya that has swiftly earned an international reputation for her innovative paper illustrations, which demonstrate her passion for paper, typography and lettering. She creates beautifully detailed paper designs for clients all around the world. You can check her web site at http://www.artyulia.com/.

  For a preview of these themes, here's a video flipbook I got from the Google Blog compiled to showcase some of the artistry behind this project:

I would love to hear from you in the comments, which one if any did you pick?